200+ Mr & Mrs Paddle Questions For Weddings and Hen Parties

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Looking for a fun and interactive way to spice up your wedding or hen party? Look no further! The Mr & Mrs Paddle Questions game is your answer. Not only does it add laughter and merriment to the occasion, but it also gives everyone a glimpse into the couple’s dynamics in a light-hearted and entertaining way.

So let us walk you through how to play this fun game, and share a treasure trove of questions that you can use at weddings and hen parties to ensure a memorable and joyful event.

How to play Mr & Mrs Paddle Game at a Wedding

woman and man standing on brown rock formation during daytime
Photo by Nathan Dumlao

One of the best ways to add an element of fun and bring everyone closer at a wedding is through the Mr & Mrs Paddle Questions game. This popular game not only fills the room with laughter but also helps guests to know more about the couple in a fun way.

Here’s how you can incorporate this game into your wedding celebration:

What’s Needed To Play:

  • A list of questions (We’ve given you a list of 200+ questions below)
  • Two paddles for the bride and groom with ‘Mr’ and ‘Mrs’ on opposite sides.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Position the Couple: Seat the bride and groom back to back so they cannot see each other.
  2. Equip Them with Paddles: Give each one of them the paddles with ‘Mr’ and ‘Mrs’ written on them.
  3. Ask Questions: Start asking the questions. Remember, the couple should not be allowed to see what the other is answering.
  4. Reveal the Answers: After each question, ask the couple to lift the paddle that they think is the right answer. This creates an element of suspense and excitement among the audience.
  5. Continue the Fun: Keep asking questions and let the laughter fill the room.
  6. Celebrate the Differences and Similarities: At the end of the game, it doesn’t matter how many answers matched. What matters is the fun everyone had and the happy memories created.

How to play Mr & Mrs Paddle Game at a Hen Party

group of women sitting on white floor
Photo by Ann Danilina

The Mr & Mrs Paddle Questions game is a hit not just at weddings but also at hen parties. It’s an entertaining way to test how well the bride-to-be knows her future spouse and also to share a lot of laughs. Here’s how you can play this game at a hen party:

What’s Needed To Play:

  • A list of questions about the groom (Check our list below, pick the ones that’ll give cheeky and funny answers)
  • Two paddles for the bride-to-be, with ‘Mr’ and ‘Mrs’ on opposite sides.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Position the Bride-to-Be: Have the bride-to-be sit where everyone can see her, but she can’t see them.
  2. Give Her the Paddles: Hand her the ‘Mr’ and ‘Mrs’ paddles.
  3. Ask Questions About the Groom: Start asking the questions, which should be about the groom. The bride-to-be needs to answer by raising the relevant paddle.
  4. Let the Guests Guess: Before revealing the answer, let the guests guess what the bride-to-be will answer. This adds an extra layer of excitement to the game.
  5. Reveal the Answers: After each question, the bride-to-be reveals her answer. This can lead to roars of laughter, especially if the question is cheeky.
  6. Keep the Fun Going: Continue with the questions, letting the atmosphere get more jovial with each passing question.

This game is a great way to add humor and fun to both weddings and hen parties. The key to a successful Mr & Mrs Paddle Questions game is in the questions. So, choose them wisely and let the fun begin!

man standing near the woman walking in party during nighttime
Photo by Andreas Rønningen
  1. Who is the better cook?
  2. Who wakes up first in the morning?
  3. Who is more likely to be running late?
  4. Who is more likely to book a spontaneous vacation?
  5. Who is more of a morning person?
  6. Who is more of a night owl?
  7. Who is better at keeping surprises?
  8. Who is more romantic?
  9. Who usually controls the TV remote?
  10. Who is the better driver?
  11. Who said ‘I love you’ first?
  12. Who is more likely to get lost?
  13. Who has the better sense of style?
  14. Who is more likely to deal with a spider in the house?
  15. Who has the better singing voice?
  16. Who spends more time on social media?
  17. Who spends more time in front of the mirror?
  18. Who is the bigger coffee lover?
  19. Who is more likely to arrive at a party first?
  20. Who is more likely to fall asleep during a movie?
  21. Who is the better dancer?
  22. Who is more adventurous?
  23. Who is more likely to apologize first after an argument?
  24. Who is better at saving money?
  25. Who is more likely to forget anniversaries?
  26. Who is more likely to plan a date?
  27. Who made the first move?
  28. Who is more likely to cry in a sad movie?
  29. Who is better at DIY tasks?
  30. Who is more likely to lose their keys?
  31. Who has the better memory?
  32. Who is more likely to cook dinner?
  33. Who is more organized?
  34. Who is more likely to tell a joke?
  35. Who is more likely to start an argument?
woman wearing white off-shoulder wedding gown wearing white petaled flower
  1. Who is the bigger foodie?
  2. Who is more likely to forget to fill the gas tank?
  3. Who spends more time in the bathroom?
  4. Who is more likely to admit they’re wrong?
  5. Who is more likely to make the bed?
  6. Who is the better kisser?
  7. Who spends more time shopping?
  8. Who is more likely to get a speeding ticket?
  9. Who is more likely to book the next holiday?
  10. Who is the biggest music fan?
  11. Who is more likely to do the laundry?
  12. Who is more likely to be found reading a book?
  13. Who has the better laugh?
  14. Who is more likely to start a karaoke song?
  15. Who is more likely to order takeout?
  16. Who is better at keeping secrets?
  17. Who is more likely to get scared while watching a horror movie?
  18. Who is more likely to cry at a wedding?
  19. Who is more of a dog person?
  20. Who is more of a cat person?
  21. Who is more likely to give the other breakfast in bed?
  22. Who is more likely to initiate a hug?
  23. Who is more likely to ask for directions?
  24. Who has the most patience?
  25. Who is more likely to start a conversation?
  26. Who is more likely to complain about a bad meal in a restaurant?
  27. Who is more likely to bring home a stray animal?
  28. Who is more likely to throw a surprise party?
  29. Who has the better poker face?
  30. Who is more likely to use a map?
  31. Who is the most competitive?
  32. Who is more likely to say ‘I need a hug’?
  33. Who is more likely to stay in on a Friday night?
  34. Who is more likely to forget where they parked the car?
  35. Who is more likely to initiate a kiss?
  36. Who is more likely to suggest a movie for date night?
  37. Who is more likely to cook breakfast on a Sunday?
  38. Who is the bigger wine lover?
  39. Who is more likely to organize a picnic?
  40. Who is more likely to splurge on a luxury item?
  41. Who is more likely to try a new sport?
  42. Who is more likely to visit a museum?
  43. Who is more likely to go on a roller coaster?
  44. Who is more likely to take a selfie?
  45. Who is more likely to break a record?
woman in white floral strapless dress holding flowers
Photo by Ömürden Cengiz
  1. Who is more likely to sing in the shower?
  2. Who is more likely to remember family members’ birthdays?
  3. Who is more likely to lose their temper?
  4. Who is more likely to give up their seat on a bus?
  5. Who is more likely to walk the dog?
  6. Who is more likely to book a spa day?
  7. Who is more likely to suggest a game night?
  8. Who is more likely to finish a puzzle?
  9. Who is more likely to cry at a happy ending?
  10. Who is more likely to start a diet?
  11. Who is more likely to hit the gym?
  12. Who is more likely to take the other one’s last piece of dessert?
  13. Who is more likely to stay up late?
  14. Who is more likely to binge-watch a TV series?
  15. Who is more likely to volunteer for charity?
  16. Who is more likely to adopt a pet?
  17. Who is more likely to talk to a stranger?
  18. Who is more likely to fall while ice skating?
  19. Who is more likely to remember the names of new acquaintances?
  20. Who is more likely to plan a surprise trip?
  21. Who is more likely to clean the house?
  22. Who is more likely to make a romantic gesture?
  23. Who is more likely to get a pet as a gift?
  24. Who is more likely to watch a sunrise?
  25. Who is more likely to go camping?
  26. Who is more likely to go to a concert?
  27. Who is more likely to try exotic foods?
  28. Who is more likely to oversleep?
  29. Who is more likely to plant a tree?
  30. Who is more likely to go for a long drive?
  31. Who is more likely to bring the other person coffee in bed?
  32. Who is more likely to plan a party?
  33. Who is more likely to initiate a dance?
  34. Who is more likely to listen to a podcast?
  35. Who is more likely to book a cooking class?
  36. Who is more likely to get lost in a book?
  37. Who is more likely to order a salad in a restaurant?
  38. Who is more likely to do a bungee jump?
  39. Who is more likely to watch a romantic movie?
  40. Who is more likely to host a game night?
  41. Who is more likely to enjoy a day at the beach?
  42. Who is more likely to go for a jog?
  43. Who is more likely to remember song lyrics?
  44. Who is more likely to spend the day at a theme park?
  45. Who is more likely to attend a fitness class?
  46. Who is more likely to go hiking?
  47. Who is more likely to take a yoga class?
  48. Who is more likely to organize the closet?
  49. Who is more likely to recycle?
  50. Who is more likely to choose a comedy movie?
  51. Who is more likely to try a new hobby?
Mr. & Mrs. ladder decor
Photo by Photos by Lanty
  1. Who is more likely to visit a zoo?
  2. Who is more likely to watch the sunset?
  3. Who is more likely to eat the last slice of pizza?
  4. Who is more likely to lose their phone?
  5. Who is more likely to throw the first snowball in a snow fight?
  6. Who is more likely to order a dessert at a restaurant?
  7. Who is more likely to buy a lottery ticket?
  8. Who is more likely to do the dishes?
  9. Who is more likely to go for a swim in the ocean?
  10. Who is more likely to be the life of the party?
  11. Who is more likely to win in a game of chess?
  12. Who is more likely to help a stranger in need?
  13. Who is more likely to volunteer at a local shelter?
  14. Who is more likely to pick a fight?
  15. Who is more likely to stop and smell the flowers?
  16. Who is more likely to set up a bird feeder?
  17. Who is more likely to take a long bath?
  18. Who is more likely to watch a sports game?
  19. Who is more likely to write a love letter?
  20. Who is more likely to pack a lunch for the other?
  21. Who is more likely to adopt a new trend?
  22. Who is more likely to bring home a surprise gift?
  23. Who is more likely to plan a family gathering?
  24. Who is more likely to adopt a minimalist lifestyle?
  25. Who is more likely to climb a mountain?
  26. Who is more likely to plant a garden?
  27. Who is more likely to fix a flat tire?
  28. Who is more likely to pack for a vacation?
  29. Who is more likely to lose at a game of cards?
  30. Who is more likely to join a club?
  31. Who is more likely to befriend a new neighbor?
  32. Who is more likely to buy a new plant for the house?
  33. Who is more likely to visit an art gallery?
  34. Who is more likely to go skydiving?
  35. Who is more likely to try a new cuisine?
Mr & Mrs freestanding letters
Photo by Freddy G
  1. Who is more likely to paint a picture?
  2. Who is more likely to go fishing?
  3. Who is more likely to take a photography class?
  4. Who is more likely to go snorkeling?
  5. Who is more likely to start a collection?
  6. Who is more likely to attend a yoga retreat?
  7. Who is more likely to binge-watch a new TV series?
  8. Who is more likely to adopt a new fashion style?
  9. Who is more likely to stay at a luxury hotel?
  10. Who is more likely to build a sandcastle?
  11. Who is more likely to learn a new language?
  12. Who is more likely to ride a horse?
  13. Who is more likely to throw a themed party?
  14. Who is more likely to enjoy a spa day?
  15. Who is more likely to go on a safari?
  16. Who is more likely to learn a musical instrument?
  17. Who is more likely to start a home renovation project?
  18. Who is more likely to make homemade ice cream?
  19. Who is more likely to take a nap in the afternoon?
  20. Who is more likely to pick up a hitchhiker?
  21. Who is more likely to paint a room?
  22. Who is more likely to go bird watching?
  23. Who is more likely to watch a documentary?
  24. Who is more likely to make a scrapbook?
  25. Who is more likely to start a blog?
  26. Who is more likely to start a food fight?
  27. Who is more likely to run a marathon?
  28. Who is more likely to bake a cake from scratch?
  29. Who is more likely to play a prank on the other?
  30. Who is more likely to initiate a pillow fight?
  31. Who is more likely to buy an electric car?
  32. Who is more likely to sleep in on the weekends?
  33. Who is more likely to build a snowman?
  34. Who is more likely to enjoy a rainy day?
  35. Who is more likely to buy a book instead of borrowing from the library?
  36. Who is more likely to explore a cave?
  37. Who is more likely to enjoy a staycation?
  38. Who is more likely to ride a bicycle to work?
  39. Who is more likely to try stand-up comedy?
  40. Who is more likely to join a book club?
  41. Who is more likely to join a protest?
  42. Who is more likely to sleep with the lights on after a scary movie?
  43. Who is more likely to buy flowers for the home?
  44. Who is more likely to create a playlist for a road trip?
  45. Who is more likely to eat a whole pizza by themselves?
  46. Who is more likely to take a cooking class?
  47. Who is more likely to get a new haircut?
  48. Who is more likely to meditate?
  49. Who is more likely to visit a psychic?
  50. Who is more likely to start a business?
  51. Who is more likely to learn to sail?
  52. Who is more likely to go white water rafting?
  53. Who is more likely to brew their own beer?
  54. Who is more likely to create their own board game?
  55. Who is more likely to try an escape room?
  56. Who is more likely to be an audience member on a TV show?
  57. Who is more likely to learn a magic trick?
  58. Who is more likely to visit an observatory to look at stars?
  59. Who is more likely to try a new craft like knitting or painting?
  60. Who is more likely to go zip-lining?

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