100+ Trivia Questions With Answers for Baby Showers

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Are you planning a baby shower and want to add a touch of excitement and entertainment to the event? Look no further! In this blog post, we will explore a variety of trivia questions that will keep your guests engaged and create lasting memories. Whether you’re a soon-to-be parent or a friend organizing the baby shower, these trivia questions are perfect for breaking the ice and bringing everyone together. Get ready to have a blast with these fun-filled trivia challenges!

Why Include Trivia Questions in a Baby Shower?

white printer paper beside brown bear plush toy
Photo by Elliot Verhoeven

Including trivia questions in a baby shower is a fantastic way to bring joy and laughter to the event. Here are a few reasons why you should consider incorporating trivia into your baby shower:

  1. Icebreaker: Trivia questions serve as an excellent icebreaker activity, especially if the guests don’t know each other well. It creates a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, encouraging everyone to mingle and interact.
  2. Engagement: Trivia games actively engage the guests, providing entertainment and excitement throughout the baby shower. It adds an element of fun that will keep everyone entertained.
  3. Educational: Trivia questions can also be educational, allowing guests to learn interesting facts about babies, pregnancy, parenting, and more. It’s a perfect opportunity to share knowledge in an entertaining way.
  4. Competition: Adding a competitive element to the baby shower through trivia questions can make the event even more thrilling. Guests can form teams or compete individually, fostering a sense of friendly rivalry.

Choosing the Right Trivia Questions

blue cake at baby shower
Photo by Tuva Mathilde Løland

When selecting trivia questions for your baby shower, it’s essential to consider the following factors:

  1. Audience: Tailor the trivia questions to suit the interests and knowledge levels of your guests. Ensure that the questions are age-appropriate and relevant to the theme of the baby shower.
  2. Variety: Include a mix of easy, moderate, and challenging questions to cater to different skill levels. This will keep everyone engaged, regardless of their background or baby-related knowledge.
  3. Theme: If your baby shower has a specific theme, such as a particular nursery rhyme or a favorite children’s book, incorporate related trivia questions. This adds an extra layer of personalization and excitement to the event.

So, onto the questions.

pink cake and donuts at a baby shower
Photo by Kelly Neil
  1. Question: How many months are there in a typical full-term pregnancy? Answer: 9 months
  2. Question: What is the term for a baby born before 37 weeks of pregnancy? Answer: Premature or preemie
  3. Question: What is the typical color of a newborn baby’s eyes? Answer: Blue
  4. Question: What is the average weight of a newborn baby? Answer: Around 7-8 pounds
  5. Question: What do you call the soft spots on a baby’s head where the skull hasn’t fully formed? Answer: Fontanelles
  6. Question: What is the term for a baby’s first teeth to emerge? Answer: Teething
  7. Question: How many fingers and toes does a typical baby have at birth? Answer: 10 fingers and 10 toes
  8. Question: What is the term for a baby’s first bowel movement after birth, which is typically dark and sticky? Answer: Meconium
  9. Question: What is the common term for the device that helps parents carry their baby close to their body? Answer: Baby carrier or baby sling
  10. Question: What is the name for the practice of using gentle rhythmic movements to calm a fussy baby? Answer: Rocking or soothing
  11. Question: What is the term for a baby’s first introduction to solid foods, usually between 4-6 months of age? Answer: Weaning or introduction to solids
  12. Question: What is the baby-specific term for passing gas from the stomach through the mouth with a sound? Answer: Burping
  13. Question: What is the term for the fine hair that covers a baby’s body at birth? Answer: Lanugo
  14. Question: What is the common name for the skin condition in newborns that results in tiny white bumps? Answer: Baby acne
  15. Question: What is the device called that helps support a baby’s head and body while bathing? Answer: Baby bath tub or baby bath seat
  16. Question: What is the term for a baby’s first attempt at making sounds and syllables? Answer: Babbling
  17. Question: What is the common term for the pinkish or reddish rash that appears on a baby’s cheeks during teething? Answer: Teething rash or drool rash
  18. Question: What is the baby-specific term for a tiny, soft, fabric shoe worn on a newborn’s feet? Answer: Baby booties
  19. Question: What is the term for the practice of parents sleeping close to their baby in the same room? Answer: Room-sharing or co-sleeping
  20. Question: What is the common term for the fabric or mesh netting that covers a baby’s crib to protect against insects? Answer: Crib net or mosquito net
blue Cake Pops and cupcakes at baby shower
Cake Pops and cupcakes at baby shower. Photo by Natalie Chaney
  1. Question: What is the term for the first bowel movement that a breastfed baby produces, which is usually yellow and runny? Answer: Breast milk poop or seedy poop
  2. Question: What is the common term for the fabric or padded bed placed inside a crib for a baby to sleep on? Answer: Crib mattress
  3. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the cloth used to clean a baby’s bottom during diaper changes? Answer: Baby wipes
  4. Question: What is the name for the practice of placing a baby on their stomach while they are awake and supervised to strengthen their muscles? Answer: Tummy time
  5. Question: What is the common name for the small towel or cloth used to burp a baby after feeding? Answer: Burp cloth or burp rag
  6. Question: What is the term for the practice of soothing a baby by swinging or rocking them in a rhythmic motion? Answer: Swaddling or rocking
  7. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the tiny, soft, fine hairs that sometimes grow on a baby’s forehead or face? Answer: Baby fuzz or baby hair
  8. Question: What is the common term for the device used to measure a baby’s body temperature by placing it in their ear? Answer: Ear thermometer or tympanic thermometer
  9. Question: What is the term for a baby’s first attempt at rolling over from their back to their tummy or vice versa? Answer: Rolling over
  10. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the high-pitched, musical noises that some babies make to express delight or happiness? Answer: Baby coos or baby gurgles
  11. Question: What is the name for the small cloth or blanket used to cover a baby’s face while breastfeeding? Answer: Nursing cover or breastfeeding cover
  12. Question: What is the common term for the device that helps a baby learn to walk by holding onto it for support? Answer: Baby walker or walking aid
  13. Question: What is the term for the process of transitioning a baby from a crib to a regular bed? Answer: Crib to bed transition or moving to a big kid bed
  14. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the device that helps a baby learn to sit up by providing support around their waist? Answer: Bumbo seat or sit-me-up seat
  15. Question: What is the common name for the soft, fluffy material often used as padding in baby products? Answer: Baby padding or plush material
  16. Question: What is the term for the practice of using gentle tapping or patting on a baby’s back to help them burp? Answer: Patting or gentle tapping
  17. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the rhythmic, repetitive sound that mimics a mother’s heartbeat to soothe a baby? Answer: White noise or heartbeat sound
  18. Question: What is the common term for the small, cloth-covered pillow used to support a baby’s head during tummy time? Answer: Tummy time pillow or prop
  19. Question: What is the term for the baby’s first attempt at sitting up without support? Answer: Sitting up or unassisted sitting
  20. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the soft, fabric or mesh bag used to hold a baby during bathing? Answer: Baby bath sling or bath support
  21. Question: What is the common term for the device used to measure a baby’s body temperature by placing it on their forehead? Answer: Forehead thermometer or temporal thermometer
  22. Question: What is the term for the practice of introducing solid foods to a baby’s diet? Answer: Starting solids or introducing solids
  23. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the process of a baby learning to crawl? Answer: Crawling or scooting
  24. Question: What is the common name for the soft, cloth or fabric toy often attached to a baby’s crib or stroller? Answer: Baby mobile or crib toy
  25. Question: What is the term for the practice of using a carrier or wrap to hold a baby close to the parent’s body? Answer: Babywearing or baby carrier
  26. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the fabric or plastic seat used to support a baby during bath time? Answer: Baby bath seat or baby bath support
  27. Question: What is the common term for the practice of letting a baby sleep in the same bed as the parents? Answer: Bed-sharing or co-sleeping
  28. Question: What is the term for the process of transitioning a baby from breastfeeding or bottle-feeding to solid foods and regular meals? Answer: Weaning or introducing solids
  29. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the baby’s first attempt at standing with support? Answer: Cruising or standing with assistance
  30. Question: What is the common name for the soft, cloth or fabric toy often used to comfort and soothe a baby? Answer: Baby lovey or security blanket
cake pop in gift pack
Baby shower cake pops in gift bags. Photo by D. L. Samuels
  1. Question: What is the term for the practice of gently bouncing or swaying a baby to help them fall asleep? Answer: Rocking or soothing
  2. Question: What is the common term for the soft, fabric or mesh material used to cover a baby’s crib mattress? Answer: Crib sheet or fitted sheet
  3. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the thin, stretchy fabric used to wrap a baby snugly for sleep? Answer: Swaddle or swaddle blanket
  4. Question: What is the term for a baby’s first attempt at standing or taking steps without support? Answer: Standing or taking first steps
  5. Question: What is the common name for the device that helps parents monitor a baby’s heart rate and oxygen levels while sleeping? Answer: Baby monitor or baby breathing monitor
  6. Question: What is the term for the practice of introducing a variety of flavors and textures to a baby’s diet? Answer: Baby-led weaning or diversified feeding
  7. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the soft, padded fabric cover used to protect a baby’s car seat? Answer: Car seat cover or car seat canopy
  8. Question: What is the common term for the practice of using a pacifier to soothe a baby’s sucking reflex? Answer: Pacifier or dummy
  9. Question: What is the term for a baby’s first attempt at crawling on all fours? Answer: Crawling or getting on hands and knees
  10. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the toy that attaches to a stroller or car seat handle for the baby to play with? Answer: Stroller toy or car seat toy
  11. Question: What is the common name for the practice of allowing a baby to self-feed using their fingers? Answer: Baby-led feeding or self-feeding
  12. Question: What is the term for the baby’s first attempt at saying words or making babbling sounds? Answer: Babbling or early speech
  13. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the small, soft brush used to groom a baby’s delicate hair? Answer: Baby brush or baby hairbrush
  14. Question: What is the common term for the practice of using a noise machine to create calming sounds for a baby? Answer: White noise machine or sound machine
  15. Question: What is the term for a baby’s first introduction to drinking from a cup without a lid? Answer: Sippy cup or transition cup
  16. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the soft, fabric or plush toy that plays soothing sounds or lullabies for a baby? Answer: Baby soother or sound machine plush
  17. Question: What is the common name for the device that helps parents carry a baby on their chest or back hands-free? Answer: Baby carrier or baby wrap
  18. Question: What is the term for a baby’s first tooth to emerge through the gums? Answer: Teething or cutting teeth
  19. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the tiny, soft, fabric shoes worn on a newborn’s feet? Answer: Baby booties or newborn booties
  20. Question: What is the common term for the practice of introducing a baby to a variety of tastes and flavors early on? Answer: Taste testing or flavor exploration
  21. Question: What is the term for the baby’s first attempt at sitting up without support? Answer: Sitting up or unassisted sitting
  22. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the soft, padded fabric cover used to protect a baby’s car seat? Answer: Car seat cover or car seat canopy
  23. Question: What is the common term for the practice of using a pacifier to soothe a baby’s sucking reflex? Answer: Pacifier or dummy
  24. Question: What is the term for a baby’s first attempt at crawling on all fours? Answer: Crawling or getting on hands and knees
  25. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the toy that attaches to a stroller or car seat handle for the baby to play with? Answer: Stroller toy or car seat toy
  26. Question: What is the common name for the practice of allowing a baby to self-feed using their fingers? Answer: Baby-led feeding or self-feeding
  27. Question: What is the term for the baby’s first attempt at saying words or making babbling sounds? Answer: Babbling or early speech
  28. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the small, soft brush used to groom a baby’s delicate hair? Answer: Baby brush or baby hairbrush
  29. Question: What is the common term for the practice of using a noise machine to create calming sounds for a baby? Answer: White noise machine or sound machine
  30. Question: What is the term for a baby’s first introduction to drinking from a cup without a lid? Answer: Sippy cup or transition cup
barefooted baby covering white blanket
Photo by Fé Ngô
  1. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the soft, fabric or plush toy that plays soothing sounds or lullabies for a baby? Answer: Baby soother or sound machine plush
  2. Question: What is the common name for the device that helps parents carry a baby on their chest or back hands-free? Answer: Baby carrier or baby wrap
  3. Question: What is the term for a baby’s first tooth to emerge through the gums? Answer: Teething or cutting teeth
  4. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the tiny, soft, fabric shoes worn on a newborn’s feet? Answer: Baby booties or newborn booties
  5. Question: What is the common term for the practice of introducing a baby to a variety of tastes and flavors early on? Answer: Taste testing or flavor exploration
  6. Question: What is the term for the practice of parents using hand gestures or signs to communicate with a pre-verbal baby? Answer: Baby sign language or signing with a baby
  7. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the soft, fabric or mesh cover used to protect a baby from insects while outdoors? Answer: Mosquito net or bug net
  8. Question: What is the common name for the practice of using a rocking or gliding motion to soothe a fussy baby to sleep? Answer: Rocking or gliding
  9. Question: What is the term for the baby’s first attempt at holding objects with their fingers and hands? Answer: Grasping or reaching
  10. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the soft, fabric or padded toy used to comfort and soothe a baby to sleep? Answer: Lovey or security blanket
mother carrying baby
Photo by Kelly Sikkema
  1. Question: What is the common term for the practice of recording a baby’s growth and milestones in a special book or journal? Answer: Baby book or baby journal
  2. Question: What is the term for a baby’s first attempt at rolling over from their tummy to their back or vice versa? Answer: Rolling over or tummy to back rolling
  3. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the cloth or fabric used to wrap a baby securely to the parent’s body? Answer: Baby wrap or baby sling
  4. Question: What is the common name for the soft, fabric or plush toy that plays calming music for a baby? Answer: Musical plush or musical toy
  5. Question: What is the term for a baby’s first introduction to solid foods in a pureed form? Answer: Baby food or purees
  6. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the soft, fabric or padded mat used for a baby to play on the floor? Answer: Playmat or activity mat
  7. Question: What is the common term for the practice of using a baby carrier or wrap to carry a baby on the parent’s chest? Answer: Front carry or chest carry
  8. Question: What is the term for the baby’s first attempt at imitating sounds and facial expressions of those around them? Answer: Babbling or imitating
  9. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the soft, fabric or plush toy that emits a gentle heartbeat sound to soothe a baby? Answer: Heartbeat plush or baby heartbeat toy
  10. Question: What is the common name for the practice of using a warm, damp cloth to clean a baby during diaper changes? Answer: Wiping or using baby wipes
  11. Question: What is the term for the baby’s first attempt at pulling themselves up to a standing position using furniture? Answer: Pulling up or cruising
  12. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the soft, fabric or plush toy that emits calming nature sounds for a baby? Answer: Nature sounds plush or nature sounds toy
  13. Question: What is the common term for the practice of using a soft, fabric or mesh bag to hold a baby while bathing them? Answer: Bath sling or bath seat
  14. Question: What is the term for a baby’s first attempt at holding their head up on their own? Answer: Head control or neck control
  15. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the device that helps a baby learn to sit up by providing support around their waist? Answer: Bumbo seat or sit-me-up seat
  16. Question: What is the common name for the soft, fabric or plush toy that emits calming sounds for a baby? Answer: Sound machine plush or sound machine toy
  17. Question: What is the term for a baby’s first introduction to drinking from a cup with a spout? Answer: Sippy cup or transition cup
  18. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the soft, fabric or plush toy that emits calming white noise for a baby? Answer: White noise plush or white noise toy
  19. Question: What is the common term for the practice of using a baby carrier or wrap to carry a baby on the parent’s back? Answer: Back carry or backpack carry
  20. Question: What is the term for the baby’s first attempt at using their fingers to pick up small objects? Answer: Pincer grasp or fine motor skills
  21. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the small, soft cloth or fabric used to clean a baby’s face during mealtime? Answer: Baby bib or feeding bib
  22. Question: What is the common name for the practice of using a rocking or swinging motion to soothe a fussy baby to sleep? Answer: Rocking or swinging
  23. Question: What is the term for a baby’s first introduction to drinking from a cup with a straw? Answer: Straw cup or transition cup
  24. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the soft, fabric or plush toy that emits soothing lullabies for a baby? Answer: Lullaby plush or lullaby toy
  25. Question: What is the common term for the practice of using a baby carrier or wrap to carry a baby on the parent’s hip? Answer: Hip carry or side carry
  26. Question: What is the term for the baby’s first attempt at crawling backward instead of forward? Answer: Backward crawling or scooting
  27. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the soft, fabric or plush toy that emits calming ocean sounds for a baby? Answer: Ocean sounds plush or ocean sounds toy
  28. Question: What is the common name for the practice of using a gentle bouncing motion to soothe a fussy baby to sleep? Answer: Bouncing or gentle bouncing
  29. Question: What is the term for a baby’s first introduction to eating soft, mashed foods with a spoon? Answer: Baby food or spoon-feeding
  30. Question: What is the baby-specific term for the soft, fabric or plush toy that emits gentle heartbeat and white noise sounds? Answer: Heartbeat and white noise plush or baby heartbeat toy.

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